You just need to subscribe to formFieldValueChanged, and save the form using formService.saveTaskForm whenever there is a change on the form values.
Important Note: Make sure you unsubscribe from autosave subscription onDestroy, to avoid messing and overriding previous accessed forms/tasks.
import {FormEvent, FormService} from "@alfresco/adf-core"; import {debounceTime} from "rxjs/operators"; import {Component, Input} from "@angular/core"; @Component({template: ''}) export abstract class FormApsAbstractComponent implements OnDestroy { @Input() taskId: string; autoSaveSubscription: Subscription; constructor(public formService: FormService) { this.enableAutoSave(); } enableAutoSave() { this.autoSaveSubscription = this.formService.formFieldValueChanged .pipe(debounceTime(350)) .subscribe((e: FormEvent) => { this.formService.saveTaskForm(this.taskId, e.form.values); }); } abstract ngOnDestroy(); // make sure any component that extends this abstract component gets unsubscribed from autoSave subscription }